Moriz Nähr (1859–1945)

Photographer for Habsburg, Klimt and Wittgenstein. Catalogue Raisonné

Ed. by Uwe Schögl, Sandra Tretter, Peter Weinhäupl for the Klimt Foundation

Always in close contact with the well-off and art-loving Viennese society, the selftaught photographer Moriz Nähr counted the Habsburg imperial dynasty, the Wittgenstein family and the Viennese Secession among his most important clients. An innovator of photography in Vienna around 1900, Nähr also formed an inspiring friendship with the famous painter Gustav Klimt. It is its independent character that makes the photographer’s multifaceted work so convincing. His oeuvre encompasses portraits, genre scenes, city and nature views, as well as architectural and interior photographs of innovative presentations of exhibitions.

With glass negatives and original prints, the Klimt Foundation owns a significant part of the photographer's estate, which in 2018 provided the impetus for the artist's first museum presentation at the Leopold Museum in Vienna. Together with the photo historian Uwe Schögl, the Klimt Foundation is now publishing the first detailed monograph including a catalogue raisonné on Moriz Nähr in the series Edition Klimt Research. Contributions by well-known authors no longer perceive Nähr‘s oeuvre as a purely documentary pheno­menon, but also contextualize the aesthetic and historical connections with Viennese Jugendstil and the work of Gustav Klimt. First research results are already available as e-papers.

Uwe Schögl, Sandra Tretter, Peter Weinhäupl for the Klimt Foundation
Contributions by
Elisabeth Dutz, Andreas Gruber, Markus Kristan, Astrid Mahler, Alfred Schmidt, Uwe Schögl, Sandra Tretter, Katrin Unterreiner, Peter Weinhäupl
Coordinating Editors & Research Assistants
Lucy Coatman, Laura Erhold, Liza Fügenschuh
Copy-Editing & Translation
Wolfgang Astelbauer, Karin Astelbauer-Unger, Martina Bauer, Mairi Bunce
Recommended citation
[Author]: [title], in: Uwe Schögl, Sandra Tretter, and Peter Weinhäupl for the Klimt Foundation (eds.): Moriz Nähr (1859−1945). Photographer for Habsburg, Klimt, and Wittgenstein. Catalogue Raisonné, Vienna 2021, URL: ([date]).
Publication date catalogue raisonné
Digital composite portrait, developed by Andreas Gruber, 2021

Andreas Gruber:
The Wittgenstein Composite Portrait Reconstructed

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Moriz Nähr: Self-portrait in his studio, 1910 © Klimt Foundation, Vienna

Elisabeth Dutz:
Moriz Nähr. The Biography

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Download Family Tree

Moriz Nähr: Insight into the XIV. Exhibition of the Vienna Secession, 1902 © ÖNB, Picture Archives and Graphics Department, Vienna

Markus Kristan:
Nothing but »Crystallized Plaster«? Moriz Nähr and Josef Hoffmann’s Overdoor Reliefs in the Vienna Secession’s 1902 »Beethoven Exhibition«

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